
研几2024-06-22 16:16731 阅读72 赞


you are energetic and active ,but sometimes too impatient.youlike to be the leader .some people think that you are selfish at times.Taurus you are stubborn and do not like change .you are a hard



It had horns like a scimitar,big eyes like a brass bell,four strong,powerful feet,and a light brown tail.The brown hair,shining in the sun,reflecting the golden light,like a golden fur coat.翻译:在中国的十二生肖中,最诚实、最勤劳的动物非牛莫属。它长着弯刀似的犄角,一对。



蛇 Which one do you like most in twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac animal, most afraid of which one? I think everyone for the snake will not have much good? Snakes often appear in our life, the thought of its soft slippery body, all can't help to get goose bumps. Com。


以whose dog is it做标题写一篇五十单词的英语作文

Dog is a tiny cute animal.You can tell from the appercance when you first meet a dog,it will accompany you with its tails swinging up and down.It can amuse you by some gestures and you can cultivate your character by raising a dog.狗是一种小巧可爱的动物。从外表可以看出,当。


people believed that, in the coming days between dog and person 's feelings will always continue.狗属于动物界


1. 十二生肖的英文分别怎么写 一. 鼠——Rat 英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼,可耻的人,告密者,密探,破坏罢工的人;美国俚语指新学生、下流女人。 当看到 *** ell a rat这一词组时,是指人们怀疑在做错某事。a rat race则表示激烈的竞争 。 rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先。




One night,Amy to go to the movies on the road,he found to forget to take the movie tickets,so she has to take home,when he arrived at the cinema,the film has started a half hour,the film is very interesting,and he was very sorry I didn't see the beginning.


接下来我们还看了迷语灯阵、星座灯阵、十二生肖灯阵、龙灯阵、猴子捞月灯等等各种奇怪的灯阵和灯。 看了这么多的好玩的灯,我看得眼花瞭乱,真开心呀!Today is the Lantern Festival, my mother, and her mother went to Town God's Temple to see the lanterns.I first saw is lantern, lante。

以 春节 为题,写一篇英语作文

BANG!” Yes, it’s that time of year again. A time where streets are lit up with bright flamboyant lights, sounds of crackling fireworks can be heard a mile away, smells of freshly baked moon cakes play with our nostrils, and the laughter of jovial people fill the air. No,。


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